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The Health and Medical Geography Specialty Group (HMGSG) - Health Data Visualization Contest.


All information was taken from the HMGSG Health Data Visualization Contest website, linked here:

Health Data Visualization Contest

The Health and Medical Geography Specialty Group (HMGSG) is pleased to announce the fourth year of the Health Data VisualizationContest. The past award information can be found here. This year we will offer monetary awards for winners. The contest deadline is Wednesday, March 1st. Winners will be announced at the HMGSG Business Meeting at AAG 2023.

What to Submit

A spatial data visualization offers insight into some health or medical geography topics. It could be a static graphic, an interactive web page, a narrative or story-telling map, etc. Your visualization can focus on one topic in detail or facilitate the exploration of multiple associations. No maps are required, but the data you visualize should have some spatial component. We offer two awards for this contest-one for a static visualization and one for a dynamic and/or interactive visualization.



  • Individual or team submissions are accepted, but at least one person should be an AAG member. Individuals can only be listed on one submission.

  • Health-related data must come from you or your team or be based on publicly accessible secondary data.

  • The submission should contain one graphic element or a composite of multiple graphics that are meant to be viewed as a single visualization (e.g., data dashboard)

  • The visualization must incorporate some spatial aspect or feature of the data.

  • If clinical or personal health information is used, data must be de-identified with no way of tracing back to individuals.

Submission Protocol

  • Submit using this form

  • Submissions should be submitted as a file (pdf, png, etc.) or link (URL, GitHub page, etc.). A short (< 300 words) description should also be included.

Important Dates

  • Submission Deadline: Wednesday, March 1st, 2023, at midnight EST

  • Winners Announced: HMGSG Business Meeting at AAG, Denver, CO


  • $100 static, $100 dynamic

  • Winners will receive a certificate at the HMGSG specialty group meeting

Core Review Team

  • TBD


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